Scalable services built around you
Mutilingual talent
Remote recruitment
Psychometric testing
Bespoke assessment
Homeworking audits
HR & Contracts
Business processes
Virtual training (prod/CX)
KPIs agreed
DLP Live™
Our contact services are as unique and as evolving as you are, so flexibility is the key. DLP Live™ wraps up all your services into one easy to access package. We will work with you to understand what is important to your business and customers, ensuring we deliver our service to meet these goals.
Building packages to address your unique business needs
Light touch to fully managed services
Results driven packages
Backed-up/disaster recovery
DLP will always be on hand to deliver around the clock support. All day, every day!
With secure, reliable and compliant technology.
And a support package that seamlessly supports your operation, management and teams with the latest onboarding, training and development software.