Welcome to Wales!
(Croeso i Gymru!!)
As our business rapidly expands, we’re delighted to announce our new partnership with Cnect Wales. They’re the largest regional contact centre forum in the UK, with a fantastic reputation and experience for all things contact centre related in Wales.
Wales is home to some of the UK’s largest contact centre brands, and to have an incredible forum to share the great things we do with our GenAI enabled contact software solutions is so exciting! We’re looking forward to sharing our insights around supporting Welsh language customer contact to Cnect Wales members. Both Chatbot+™ & Livechat™ can be real enabling tools to seamlessly handle contact in Welsh, English, or any language for that matter!
Looking forward to being active participants at the many events and forums that Cnect Wales have planned for the year ahead.
“It’s always exciting to invite new members to our network, particularly those who can offer innovative solutions to the industry through generative AI “
Sandra Busby, CEO, Cnect Wales Ltd
“Cnect Wales have a brilliant reputation for their expertise and active members for all things contact centre related. We are honoured to be associate members. Delivering excellent customer contact in any language is at the core of our virtual assistant and web chat software. Helping to support the unique Welsh language requirements of many of Cnect Wales’ members is something we’re perfectly geared to help with. Can’t wait to meet fellow members and learn more”
David Pryor, Director DLP
Further information: https://cnectwales.uk/digital-language-partners/